
Showing posts from September, 2018


It’s dark. It’s so very dark. Why… why can I breathe and not see? Am I not blinking? Aren’t my eyes open? My eyes… my eyes… “My eyes?” The feeling of coarse, gruff fingers sliding across an equally coarse, gruff face; their intent not fully realized but searching feverishly nonetheless. The mind arrives at several thoughts all at once. “Why can’t I see?” “What exactly is wrong with my face?” “My face, is this my face?” “I feel different.” “Why am I struggling to explain this… even to myself?” The only means that remains to perceive the nearby world is to grope blindly and hope for some small mercy to elucidate the mind to further, actual answers to ostensibly unanswerable questions. Defeat arrives but is disregarded as the hands that once sought answers slowly rest at the sides – his sides. Something awful washes over his mind momentarily, like a single firecracker… and then is gone. Like a dream, the information that just was there, just tangible, vanishes leaving behind only mo


Door open, she tossed off the seatbelt and tore into a dead-sprint. She was to the other car in seconds. The person in the other vehicle was unresponsive but alive, slowly and unconsciously moving to protect himself. Despite all she could muster, her effort fell short as the door and distance between them was unmoving. As if their lives had become cinematic, cliché, drawn unto an infinite moment – their breaths in sync as this single instant dragged on forever; no rain, just salty tears crossing a dry, helpless expression. And then nothing. Static. A loose feeling and a warped perspective. Conscious but dreaming and dreaming of a piercing white…. If you could call it dreaming. The sound of waves crashing against a craggy beach. Wind whipping against rock faces and outcroppings. Sparse sounds that indistinctly mark a landscape as barren if one had but the inclination to listen deeply. A guttural cough followed by a gasp; as if her body was learning to breathe for the first


I don't have a goal or anything. This space is mostly to keep track of and keep a record of a writing idea that I have. I don't know a title for it just yet but when I do, I will update it.